Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Shopping and Reading

My coat project continues with some mental pattern work and sewing but nothing happening in the sewing studio quite yet.  A big project has to percolate for me as I make all those fabric and design detail decisions.
When we left off I was taking those five mock up coats to Sarah Veblen for fitting and design help.  As always, Sarah helps me clarify my instincts and also saves me from countless hours trying to make something work that just won't.  We agreed to toss out one coat entirely, the Vogue 2598.  That clever saddleback back can be captured with a better pattern in the future.  The other four are keepers, with some pattern adjustments (yet to be made.)  
Next up is my fabric decision.  Since I want to make several knee length coats, and since Fabric Mart kept sending those store emails before Christmas, and since Mr. Lucky is away for the holidays this year taking care of a family situation, I decided to point my sleigh car towards the store and fill it with fabric.  My reasoning is that coats require a lot of fabric and warm fabric and I have only been buying enough for short, lighter weight jackets.  Oh heck, I don't really need a reason, you understand.  So here's what came home with me a few days before Christmas:
Rasberry/merlot Wool Melton

Brown Wool blend with charcoal tweedy reverse side
A novelty wool blend with sparkle

Classis wool herringbone
I will be starting with this last fabric and using it for the LaFred Olympic Coat pattern since those herringbones will look nice on the bias sleeve.  I have pattern work to do....adding a dart that Sarah marked and then trying out several collar ideas.  I'm also considering underlining and interfacing questions.  All of this process is just as enjoyable to me as the final product.  Of course, I can get myself too involved in research and the process (which might explain why I didn't get married until I was 36) but even just reading about sewing is a pleasure for me.  Here's what's on my bedside table these days:

This first coat will not be a full out vintage tailoring project but I am fascinated by the thought and care that does go into a couture custom coat or jacket.  
Next up, collar decisions.  In the meantime, I hope your holidays were wonderful and the New Year is full of promise and happiness.
What, Santa said I have too much fabric?


  1. So envious of your trip to FMF. You purchased some lovely fabrics. I am looking forward to seeing them as coats, but totally understand the time and mental work required for projects of this sort.

  2. Beautiful material, can't wait to see results.


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