Note: I was writing this post last night when my smoke detector started squealing intermittantly in 2 second ear-piercing bursts at random times...10 minures, 8 minutes, 13 minutes, 2 minutes. After frantic phone calls to Mr. Lucky (retired firefighter but 1200 miles away!) and the help of two neighbors and then three firefighters to examine the whole condo, we removed the first one turned off the breaker switcher for the hard wired system. Turns out that mine are 19 years old and don't even have battery back up and must need replacing. One of the fellows, a contractor, says that he routinely replaces his smoke detectors here in Florida every five years just because he worries about dust and humiity damaging them. We've always regularly replaced our battery powered detectors (smoke and CO)in Maryland but this was something new to consider here. After calming very nervous dogs, it was well after midnight before I even thought about sleep...or this blog. But who knew I would spend Valentine's evening with five helpful guys, none of them my husband:-)
Hope love has warmed your heart today. My morning did not begin very auspiciously but the day has improved remarkably. Ah well, I'll make this quick and short....which is exactly what this Kwik Sew 3231 skirt is.
Hope love has warmed your heart today. My morning did not begin very auspiciously but the day has improved remarkably. Ah well, I'll make this quick and short....which is exactly what this Kwik Sew 3231 skirt is.
Normally I abhor themed clothes....although I will confess that in the 80s I was wearing those over-sized sweater with glittery ornaments and decorations. And this bargain Joann's poly is not really drape-y enough for this 8 gore skirt. But I like the colors and decided to play up the cliche theme with narrow hem serged vertical seams in fushia thread. The fabric and thread actually made this version have a more angular bottom edge, slightly architectural. Fun skirt to wear while running errands today.