Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Moving Forward to Retreat....A Winter Sewing Retreat

 I've spent the last two days trying to decide what to bring for projects for an upcoming sewing retreat and then getting those projects, cut out and interfaced before I leave town.  I'll be joining more than three dozen women for four days of sewing, talking, laughing, eating, drinking, fitting, giggling....and did I mention sewing?  The American Sewing Guild Chapter I belong to in Northern Virginia holds two sewing retreats a year, one in late August and one in late January.  Traditionally the January one has been at a non-profit conference center out in the mountains.  Inexpensive but also more scouting and outdoor focused.  I stopped attending about four years ago.  I'm a little too old for plastic covered mattresses in small dorm rooms with other midle-aged women getting up all night for our various reasons.  The food was very much old school cafeteria fare (some wondered if the cooks had been prison cooks at some point) and there was no liquor allowed at the conference center (hmmmm, don't ask, don't tell.)  But this year all that changed.  One of our wonderful organizers, who sell the proverbial ice to Eskimos,  arranged for a fabulous 4 days of sewing in the ballroom of the George Washington Wyndham Grand Hotel and Spa in Winchester, VA.  Wyndham grand in Winchester
Yup, you bet I'll be there.

Projects in the works:

Muslin of Simplicity 3288
1. The jacket in this pattern (which might actually be out of print but is easily available.)  I hate doing muslins and alterations so muslin #1 has been in my closet for two years.  Yesterday I finally took the time to do the adjustments that I needed and made a second muslin.  Love it!!  This is my priority project for the retreat.
Simplicity 3288

2.  Jalie Twist Top in browns and turquoise ITY knit for next month's trip.

3.  Kwik Sew 3304 skirt.  This is an easy pattern but the ruffles require a lot of sewing machine time, perfect for sewing while talking and laughing.

4. Vogue 2018  Geoffrey Beene jacket but in Polarfleece, not doublecloth

Most likely no internet access for the rest of the week.  While I'm away Lucky the rescue puppy will start his heartworm treatment.  We have three crates set up throughout the condo so he can be near us but not active for the following month.  Hubby Steve will be home with both dogs until I return next Monday evening.  I know he'll be taking great care of both our furry guys.
Yesterday's double rainbow in the late afternoon seemed like a good sign to me for a happy outcome.


  1. Our ASG retreats are at a 4H camp, an experience very similar to your description of the nonprofit conference center. I think I may suggest we consider an alternate location. Just curious if the price for the Spa location was much higher than the camp location? Anyway here's wishing you a fun and productive retreat.

  2. Jane, I am so excited that 1) I get to go to the retreat this year (I haven't been in five years) and 2) that you are going to be there! You know, you were my FIRST sewing retreat tablemate those many years ago. I, like you, am scrambling to get my projects in order before I go (I also like cutting, interfacing at home). Between two sick kids and icy weather closing the schools, I have not gotten as much done as I should. See you on Friday!

  3. Oh Wow. Your retreat sounds fantastic. I'm so envious!!! I wish I had an ASG near me. .... or maybe I do, and just don't know it. Not that it needs to be said, but have a WONDERFUL time.

    p.s. Thanks for the sock post. It inspired me to get that Green Pepper pattern and my BF is pleased as can be with his socks: one pair in fleece and one in Coolmax.

  4. Thank you for linking up with my blog. I'll be looking in on you too.


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