Monday, December 6, 2010

Early Christmas Presents

2 yards of lightweight sweater knit
There's no real need for me to be out and about on Black Friday....or any other notorious shopping day of the year.  Very small family remaining on either side for Mr. Lucky and me, my friends and I stopped gift exchanges except maybe for the lovely consumable or "any random time" surprise.  But those Black Friday emails got me.   Fabric Mart, 25% off!  Threads, 25% off and free shipping!   So this week the UPS man came to my house bearing packages for me....ooooh, I just had to open them right then and there.

1 1/2 yards ITY knit (almost 2 yards actually)
Now don't even ask what I'm going to make out of these.  Most likely knit tops of some sorts and a sweater set from the leopard.  I seldom have a plan inn mind, just plunge ahead into a fabric store and buy what I like.  Fabric Mart is so very generous with their cut lengths that I'll have plenty of fabric for at least a top and perhaps a dress.

Same generous 1 1/2 yard piece

My final big treat, the Claire Schaeffer DVD from the Threads sale.  $29.99, what a steal for perpetual classes on my computer.
I hope Santa brings you and everyone else treats that make your heart sing with happiness.  He's done a good job at my house already.


  1. I like how you operate! DH and I went out on Sunday to shop. For ourselves. He got a new cardigan & winter coat and I got a new raincoat and other miscellany.

    I love this stage of life where we have graduated beyond the horribly hectic and stressed holidays season we endured 20 years ago.

    And like all your new fabrics!

  2. Oooo! Lovely fabric!
    Who are those people that flood the stores for special deal days other? Obviously there are a lot more people who bow to the altar of shopping than those who choose not to.

  3. Such pretty fabrics. It must feel like Christmas to have that arrive. It's so cold here today, I have a pattern for a fleece hood with built in scarf. With all the infinity scarves being made these days, I thought I'd try an infinity hoodie???? (I think of you when it comes to design your own pattern)

  4. Pretty new fabrics! It's always so exciting to open a box that arrives from a fabric store.

  5. Happy new fabric and video! Maybe you will use some hand sewing techniques on your new fabric. I hear good things about Claire's video. It's on my wish list ;) I am trying not to buy too much for myself before the holidays!

    I also love to enjoy the season without the hectic pace - thanks to on-line shopping!


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